⭐️⭐️ This back to school activity takes a traditional "About Me" questionnaire or coloring page and breaks it up into six stations. Perfect for a wide range of grade levels and any subject area! The station cards come in an editable format (you must have PowerPoint to edit) so you can modify this activity to fit your needs.
⭐️⭐️ Why break up the activity and set it up as a stations activity? First, you are providing students with the opportunity to work collaboratively and move around the room early on in the school year. Second, you are introducing how stations work and setting up a routine that will hopefully become a big part of your classroom this year.
⭐️⭐️ You can either leave the student coloring page as a coloring page or cut up the page and have one puzzle piece at each station. Students collect the pieces and assemble their completed "About Me" page at the end!
❤️❤️ Includes a digital version in Google Slides for distance learning!
✅ Bundle information:
- This set of stations is NOT included in my Middle School Math Stations Mega Bundle since they are not exclusive to middle school or math.
- The digital version is included in each grade level digital bundle as well as my middle school math digital bundle!
What Teachers Are Saying!
What's Included?
Printable Version
Back to School Puzzle Stations Plan Sheet
Back to School Puzzle Stations
Back to School Puzzle Stations - Gender Neutral
Editable Version
Back to School Puzzle Stations - EDITABLE CARDS
Digital Version
Back to School Stations - Digital Links
Licensing Terms :
By purchasing this product, you own a license for one teacher only for personal use in their own classroom. Licenses are non-transferable and therefore can not be passed from one teacher to another. If the teacher who purchased this license leaves the classroom or changes schools, the license and materials leave with that teacher. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire team, grade level, school or district without purchasing the correct number of licenses. If you are a coach, principal or district interested in transferable licenses that would accommodate yearly staff changes, please contact me for a transferable license quote at [email protected].
Copyright Information :
© Beyond the Worksheet Inc. Please note - all material included in this resource belongs to Beyond the Worksheet Inc. By purchasing, you have a license to use the material but you do not own the material. You may not upload any portion of this resource to the internet in any format, including school/personal websites or network drives unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students, not other teachers or anyone else on the internet.
✮✮ If you are interested in gaining access to an exclusive set of free resources, CLICK HERE.
About the author

Lindsay Gould