⭐️⭐️⭐️ Are you looking for a powerful tool for the middle school math classroom? Students can thrive when given the chance to work together and move about the educational space! This 5th-8th grade math stations bundle includes every set of math stations in my store! There are OVER 40 STATIONS and will continue to grow as more stations are added! Each set of math stations includes question sheets, student answer pages and hint cards. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
⭐️ What’s included in the 5th - 8th grade stations? ⭐️
❤️ 5th Grade Stations ❤️
✅ Place Value
❤️ 6th Grade Stations ❤️
✅ 6th Grade Geometry Stations
✅ Coordinate Plane Stations
✅ Decimal Operations (2 sets)
✅ Data Displays Stations
✅ Distributive Property Stations
✅ Editable Halloween Fraction and Decimal Stations
✅ Equations and Inequalities Stations
✅ Expressions Stations
✅ Fraction Operations (2 sets)
✅ Order of Operations Stations
❤️ 7th Grade Stations ❤️
✅ Area
✅ Composite Area
✅ Editable Christmas Review Stations
✅ Editable Ratios & Proportions Halloween Puzzle Stations
✅ Fraction, Decimals and Percents Station Activity
✅ Fractions, Decimals, Percents Conversions Probability and Simulations
✅ Integer Operations
✅ Percents – Set 1
✅ Percents – Set 2
✅ Probability
✅ Ratios & Proportions
✅ St. Patrick’s Day Review Skills
✅ Valentine's Percent Stations
❤️ 8th Grade Stations ❤️
✅ End of Year 8th Grade Review Skills
✅ Exponent Rules
✅ Financial Literacy
✅ Finding Slope
✅ Geometry Transformation
✅ Graphing Linear Equations
✅ Inequalities
✅ Middle School Math Review
✅ Multi-Step Equations
✅ Operations with Scientific Notation
✅ Pythagorean Theorem
✅ Solving Equations
✅ St. Patrick's Day Review Skills
✅ Systems of Equations
✅ Volume and Surface Area {Whole Numbers}
✅ Volume and Surface Area {Fractional Dimensions}
✅ Writing Linear Equations
❤️ Also included Algebra Stations ❤️
✅ Quadratic Equations
✅ Factoring Polynomials
⭐️⭐️⭐️ BONUS! Stations ⭐️⭐️⭐️
✅ Christmas Silly Story Problem Stations

Licensing Terms :
By purchasing this product, you own a license for one teacher only for personal use in their own classroom. Licenses are non-transferable and therefore can not be passed from one teacher to another. If the teacher who purchased this license leaves the classroom or changes schools, the license and materials leave with that teacher. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire team, grade level, school or district without purchasing the correct number of licenses. If you are a coach, principal or district interested in transferable licenses that would accommodate yearly staff changes, please contact me for a transferable license quote at [email protected].
Copyright Information :
© Beyond the Worksheet Inc. Please note - all material included in this resource belongs to Beyond the Worksheet Inc. By purchasing, you have a license to use the material but you do not own the material. You may not upload any portion of this resource to the internet in any format, including school/personal websites or network drives unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students, not other teachers or anyone else on the internet.
✮✮If you are interested in gaining access to an exclusive set of free resources, CLICK HERE.