Have you found yourself wishing you could quickly and easily create an activity for your students on a specific skill? 

Well, now you can! 

This printable template bundle takes the stress out of designing activities and allows you to simply type in your own content and print! 

These templates are to be used for personal classroom use only. Commercial use is prohibited.

What's Included?

  • PUZZLE TEMPLATE - This one page, printable puzzle allows you to customize 12 different puzzle pieces.

  • COLORING PAGE TEMPLATE - Customize your own coloring activity. The template comes with 10 questions and 3 answer columns, but the table can be customized however you'd like!

  • STATIONS TEMPLATE - This super versatile template allows you to create up to 6 of your own stations on either half page or full pages. You also can create your own half page hint cards and customize the student answer page.

  • TASK CARDS TEMPLATE - Create up to 12 of your own task cards and customize a student data sheet!

  • SCAVENGER HUNT TEMPLATE - Create your own 16 question scavenger hunt with half page, two sided cards

  • 1

    The Templates

    • Coloring Page Template

    • Puzzle Template

    • Scavenger Hunt Template

    • Stations Template

    • Task Cards Template

  • 2

    Instructional Videos

    • Coloring Page Template Instructions

    • Puzzle Template Instructions

    • Scavenger Hunt Template Instructions

    • Stations Template Tutorial


  • What can I edit?

    Let's start with what you cannot edit! You do not have the ability to edit the copyright information, station/card numbers or design elements. Here's what you CAN edit on each template: ALL templates - You can edit the student information section at the top and the skill name. Puzzle - You can edit the text around each puzzle piece, which gives you the option to scaffold the puzzle by leaving off the text on the outer edges. Coloring Page - You can edit and adjust the entire table and directions. You can add or delete rows / columns, use a second page, etc. Stations - You can insert your own questions / problems / information on each station and hint card. You can adjust the table on the student answer page. Task Cards - You can type/insert your own questions, edit the skill name and edit / adjust the table on the student answer sheet. Scavenger Hunt - You can type/insert your own questions, edit the skill name and adjust the student answer page tables.

  • Can I use these to create resources to sell?

    No. These templates are strictly for personal classroom use only. They may not be modified, adjusted or changed in any way and used for resources available for sale or given away for free. Anything made from these templates is to be used for your students only.